Clinear 250L
Soot and fat eliminators

User manual
Data sheet
IMQ certified product: NO. IMQ 242
Our soot eliminators use double washing technology, of the Enterprise category, plus the rollé system (new 2018).
A careful study of the shapes and of the internal fluid dynamics creates particular vortices that favor the agglomeration of the wet particles and settling sections where they can deposit on the water layer.
This, combined with the double wash technology, offers a remarkable cleaning efficiency.
The machine comes out of air saturated with vapor but free of particulates and almost odorless.
Thanks to the energy released in the water pumping, the machine itself does not produce resistance or limit the draft.
The A-weighted noise emission level, measured at 1m from the surface of the machine and 1.6 meters above the ground, does not exceed 70 dB (A).
Length 990 mm
Depth 740 mm
Height 660 mm
Empty weight 60 kg
Water content 90 lt
Operating weight 143 kg
Smoke inlet and outlet Ø 250 mm female
Air flow 350 m³ / h (inlet air velocity 3.7 m / s)
1.1 kW installable fans with a maximum air flow rate of 2,800 m³ / h
Exceptionally with very low electrical power 0,55 kw (cm 5-3)
Water consumption , 81 liters per day plus the water consumed for evaporation.
Constructed in 304 stainless steel
The Clinear 250L soot suppressors
they are equipped with the following technical features:
soot eliminator for wood-fired pizza ovens
soot eliminator for biomass boilers
Technical features and information:
IMQ NR certified product. IMQ 242,
Enterprise category double washing soot eliminators.
They are ideal for pizza ovens up to 10-14 pizzas, with Ø250 mm flue, biomass boilers with power up to 100,000 kw, air flow up to 350 m³ / h.
Exceptionally with Ø 250 mm lateral flue gas inlet and outlet and 350 m³ / h air flow rate (inlet air velocity 3.7 m / s)
Especially with the lowest electrical power 0.55 kw. Very low water consumption, 75 liters per day plus water for evaporation
Made of 15/10 thick stainless steel.
Automatic operation with recycled water
Equipped with a thermometer for measuring the temperature.
Pump pressure gauge. Water mains pressure gauge.
Unique with the Enterprise System with double water wash.
Tap and rubber for washing and cleaning the blast chiller; incorporated.
Stainless steel drains including valve with of-on indications.

Packaging dimensions and weight
Length 1,020 mm
Depth 800 mm
Height H. 820 mm
WEIGHT: 73 kg